Bene Dictum, Benedicte

Bene Dictum, Benedicte!
Zeitlin and Ver Brugge
Reproduction of broadsides printed by John Henry Nash in 1926 and 1929
March 15, 1969

Bene Dictum, Benedicte!
If any pilgrim monk come from distant parts, if with
wish as a guest to dwell in the monastery, and will be
content with the customs which he finds in the place, &
do not perchance by his lavishness disturb the monas-
tery, but is simply content with what he finds, he shall
be received, for as long a time as he desires. If, indeed, he
find fault with anything, or expose it, reasonably, and
with the humility of charity, the Abbot shall discuss it
prudently, lest perchance God had sent him for this very
thing. But, if he have been found gossipy and contuma-
cious in the time of his sojourn as guest, not only ought
he not to be joined to the body of the monastery, but also
it shall be said to him, honestly, that he must depart. If
he does not go, let tow stout monks, in the name of God,
explain the matter to him.
Saint Benedict.

Statement concerning the second printing:

“This excerpt from the Rule of Saint Benedict (A.D. 480–543)
was brought to the attention of The Vatican by the erudite
Florence M. McAuliffe, & having been pronounced a most
edifying bit of wisdom, was printed by John Henry Nash of
The Vatican for the joy of the doing in the month of June,
the Year of Our Redemption Nineteen Hundred & Twenty-
six. It is dedicated, in all love and sincerity, to that tractable
Child of The Family & friend of The Vatican, Luis Welch.
Now reprinted in the month of March, Nineteen Hundred
& Twenty-nine, to meet the many urgent requests for copies.”

Statement concerning the third printing:
“This broadside is again reproduced in an edition of 1,000
Copies because of the continuing demand. We acknowledge
Our obligation to John Henry Nash and hope that his ghost
Will forgive the liberty we have taken.
Zeitlin and Ver Brugge
March 15, 1969”

A copy from another edition in Bridwell Library Special Collections (27213) printed by John Henry Nash bears the description:

“This excerpt from the rule of Saint Benedict (A.D. 480–543) was brought to the attention of Mr. H. Stanley Marcus, who dwells in Dallas, Texas, by a Broadside printed for the Joy of the Doing by John Henry Nash of San Francisco, in the month of June, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six, and is now reprinted for Mr. Marcus by Dr. Nash, in the month of December, Nineteen Hundred & Forty-four, for his friends.”

John Henry Nash (1871–1947), a native of Woodbridge, Ontario, apprenticed to a printer in Toronto at the age of sixteen. He moved to San Francisco in 1895 and with business partner Bruce Brough founded Twentieth Century Press. In 1903, bookseller/publisher Paul Elder brought Twentieth Century Press into his own enterprise. The press was renamed Tomoye Press and continued to operate under Nash’s guidance until 1915. Nash was a leading figure in establishing San Francisco as a center of fine printing. Nash moved to Eugene, Oregon, and operated the John Henry Nash Fine Arts Press at the University of Oregon, where he also lectured in the School of Journalism. The Great Depression forced the closure of his printing operation, and so Nash returned to Berkeley in 1943, and lived with his daughter until his death in 1947.

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Collaborative Study Room
Bene Dictum, Benedicte