Genesis 1

Exact Facsimile of the First Page of Genesis from the Library of Congress Copy of the Gutenberg Bible
Facsimile 2a, 1972.
Produced through the Verner W. Clapp Publication Fund, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
Gift of Duane Harbin, 2021.

Description from the accompanying folder:

“The Library of Congress obtained its copy of the Gutenberg Bible in 1930, as part of a collection of 3,000 15th-century books purchased by act of Congress from Otto H. F. Vollbehr for $1,500,000. Dr. Vollbehr had paid about a third of a million dollars for the Bible, but it is now considered almost priceless. The copy had for nearly five centuries been in the possession of the Benedictine monks at the monasteries of St. Blasius, in the Black Forest, and St. Paul, in Carinthia (Austria). Since 1930, except for a period during World War II when it was removed from Washington for security reasons, it has been on public display in the Main Building of the Library of Congress.”

Duane Harbin served as Associate Director of Bridwell Library until his appointment as Assistant Dean of Perkins School of Theology. He presented this broadside to Bridwell Library shortly before his retirement in 2001.

Available in Bridwell Library Special Collections:

Gutenberg Bible - SMU

Fragment of 1 vellum leaf, Gutenberg Bible - SMU

Catholicon - SMU

36-Line Bible - SMU
