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John Wesley, 1964
John Wesley
, 1964 (284. L697 v.1)
← Christian Tradition and the Unity We Seek
Perkins Perspective →
The Scholarly Enterprise
John Wesley, 1964
The Albert Cook Outler Papers
Award and Portrait
Pax Christi award
Portrait of Albert Outler
Finding Aid
Teaching Papers
Duke University
Yale University
Yale University Memo
Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University Final
Ecclesiastic Papers
Ministerial Credentials
Deacon's Orders
Elder's Orders
Methodist Student Movement Conference
World Parish
Visions and Dreams
Order of Worship
Kate Warnick Letter
The Scholarly Enterprise
Psychotherapy and the Christian Message
Augustine: Confessions and Enchiridion
Christian Tradition and the Unity We Seek
John Wesley, 1964
Perkins Perspective
That the World May Believe
Promotional tract for That the World May Believe, 1966
Methodist Observer at Vatican II, 1967
Evangelism in the Wesleyan Spirit
Post card to Albert Outler
Works of John Wesley
Wesley Works Editorial Project team
Extra-mural Involvements
Vatican II Materials
Second Vatican Council medals
Second Vatican Council bronze bell
Christian Unity Service at the Papal Basilica of St. Paul
Fourth World Conference
American Jewish Committee Award
Carla and Albert Outler at Thanks-Giving Square
National Thanksgiving Commission Faithkeeper
Greek Orthodox crucifix
Perkins School of Theology and SMU
Southern Methodist University
SMU badge with ribbons
Trialogue on “The Death of God”
Christmas Worship Service at Perkins Chapel
Honored by Perkins and SMU
Diploma, Doctor of Humane Letters
Liston Pope to Albert Outler, 1944
Correspondence between Outler and Niebuhr
The Jerusalem Institute for Advanced Ecumenical Studies
Photograph of the Academic Council
Letter from Lois Perkins, 1968
Correspondence between Outler and Marty
Personal and Biographical
Correspondence between Albert Outler and Carla Smith
Bachelor of Divinity Thesis
Two Honors
Observers' audience with Pope Paul VI
Outler receiving an honorary degree
Methodist Roman-Catholic Conversations
Outler with Perkins School of Theology colleagues
Audio-Visual Materials
Vatican II - Charter for Change
John Wesley Discovery Series audio tapes, 1972
The Fondren Lectures at SMU
Ecumenism in the 80s
The Hallowing of Life
Celebration Banquet
After Albert C. Outler
Service of Celebration and Remembrance
“Remembrance and a Word of Grace” eulogy
“Remember in Christ Albert Outler” memorial sermon
Collection of Sermons written by Albert Outler