The Old Testament, Abridged and Illustrated for Children
An Abridgement of Scripture History Designed for the Amusement and Improvement of Children: Wherein the Most Striking Actions in the Old Testament are Made Plain to the Youngest Capacities . . . .
London: Printed and Sold by Edward Ryland, 1765.
[Bound with:] An Abridgement of the Sacred History of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Containing the Most Striking Passages in the New Testament. Adapted to the Understanding of the Meanest Capacities, and Design’d for the Improvement of Christian Knowledge.
London: Printed and Sold by Edward Ryland, 1766. (BRB0058 A/B)
The first editions of these two illustrated abridgements of the Old and New Testaments, issued and bound together by the publisher, include engraved frontispieces, titles pages, and dedication leaves for both works and a total of 116 half-page engravings. The adaptation of the Old Testament, An Abridgement of Scripture History (1765), is dedicated to Prince Frederick (1763–1827), son of George III, who had recently been elected as Bishop of Osnabrück. The emblematic frontispiece (on display) shows the female figure of Learning leading the young bishop to Divine Wisdom who is holding a book with the Seven Seals, on top of which is the Holy Lamb. Although designed specifically for the young prince and bishop, this illustration of learning as an avenue to Christian understanding and faith would also serve to inspire the volume’s intended young readers.