Inscribed Copies


The Psalter: or, Psalms of David, with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Being an Introduction for Children to the Reading of the Holy Scriptures. Carefully Copied from the Holy Bible.
Worcester, Massachusetts: Printed by Isaiah Thomas, 1784. (BRB0797)

“Remember me when this book you see, keep it to look upon when I am dead and gone.” 
—Inscription by Ruth Brown in her copy of The Psalter: or, Psalms of David

The final section of the exhibition features volumes with early gift and ownership inscriptions. These copies were given to children, other family members, and students to enhance their religious education and spiritual formation. The hand-written additions in these volumes further document how religious books for children were intended to disseminate sacred texts and develop the knowledge and faith of future readers.

Inscribed Copies