Psalms to be Sung by Charity-Children
A Small Collection of Psalms to the Old Tunes, Sung by the Charity-Children of the City of Chichester. Published for General Use.
London: Printed by W. Faden, 1761. (BRB0356)
The first edition of this collection of Psalms, intended for poor children in the southeastern English city of Chichester, includes sixteen pages of engraved music comprising thirteen psalms and one hymn. The remainder of the text, printed in letterpress, includes “Other psalms to the foregoing tunes” and “Occasional hymns” (for special celebrations such as Christmas Day, Easter Day, and Whit-Sunday) also keyed to earlier tunes in the volume. The preface notes, “Here are thirteen plain good tunes, and thirty-nine portions of some of the most useful parts of the psalms. If three psalms be allowed to each Sunday, the collection will be sung through one in a quarter.”
On exhibit is Psalm 104 (old version) with engraved music and verses on two pages. Following the second and third verses, an early owner has provided additional verse in manuscript.