Scripture History Illustrated and Explained, Available in Various Formats
Mrs. Trimmer (1741–1810).
A Series of Prints of Scripture History, Designed as Ornaments for Those Apartments in Which Children Receive the First Rudiments of their Education.
London: Printed and Sold by John Marshall, [ca.1786]. (BRB0191)
Mrs. Trimmer (1741–1810).
A Description of a Set of Prints of Scripture History: Contained in a Set of Easy Lessons.
London: Printed and Sold by John Marshall, [ca.1786]. (BRB0190)
The first publication by noted British writer and critic Mrs. Sarah Trimmer to include images and text for children was this series of prints of scriptural history with accompanying descriptions. The 32 plates, measuring 3 x 3 inches, could be purchased in various formats including “pasted on boards, for hanging up in nurseries, 1s. 6d. —in sheets 8d. —sewed in marble paper for the pocket, 10d. —neatly bound in red leather, 1s. 2d.” The companion text volume (separately “sold for 6d. sewed in marble paper, or 10d. bound in red leather”) provides brief introductions to episodes in the Bible from the Fall of Adam and Eve to Judas Maccabeus. Displayed are engravings of the Flood (Number III) and Noah coming out of the Ark (Number IV) with the explanatory text for each.