The 104th Psalm Illustrated in a Single Panorama

The 104th Psalm. Illustrated by Susan Maria Ffarington. Worden.
London: Lithographed by Vincent Brooks Day & Son, [ca. 1870].

Measuring twelve feet in length, this remarkable continuous panorama of 24 connected leaves illustrates each of the 35 verses of Psalm 104. The work begins with an image of the psalmist, King David, covering his head in reverence to the Lord; at the end, he appears again, wearing a crown and playing his harp within his palace in Jerusalem. The remainder of the panorama consists of various landscapes teeming with life, as described in the psalm. The hand-colored lithographs were designed by Susan Maria Ffarington (1809–1894), who illustrated several devotional books for children and also designed windows for parish churches near her estate at Worden Hall, Lancashire.

Publishing Strategies in a Variety of Formats
The 104th Psalm Illustrated in a Single Panorama