Events in the Life of Jesus, Illustrated and Explained

Elizabeth Maria Lloyd (1812/13–1869).
Exercises in the Gospel Narrative of the Life of Our Lord (Chronologically Arranged) in a Series of Questions and Answers. Accompanied by Fifty Illustrations from Designs of the Old Masters.
London: Published for R. Mimpriss, 1834. (BRB0258)

First published in 1833, this third edition of Elizabeth Maria Lloyd’s Exercises in the Gospel Narrative of the Life of Our Lord consists of a booklet with explanatory text and fifty separate tinted engraved illustrations on forty-two cards housed in the original pebbled green gilt-embossed slipcase. The combination of images and accompanying instructional text was “calculated to interest the heart, as well as to fill the head, of youth.” Lloyd notes that “the method of instruction proposed in this series, is, first to present to the pupil the pictorial illustration, and after having excited attention by delighting the eye, and given a general outline of the subject, next to consult the narrative . . . as related by the different Evangelists.” The engravings, based on images by earlier well-known artists, are organized chronologically to cover Jesus’s birth, life, and resurrection.

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Events in the Life of Jesus, Illustrated and Explained