Hymns Adapted for the Young

W. (William) Fletcher (fl. 1825–1850).
Hymns for Children.
London: Printed for N. Hailes, 1831.

William Fletcher served as master of Woodbridge Grammar School and was a prolific author of works for children. In the preface, he writes that while hymns by Dr. Watts and Mrs. Barbauld are very well-known, there is a need for hymns better “adapted to the understandings, feelings, and perceptions of the young . . . to prepare them for the reception of those great and all important truths.” His intention is to provide a series of hymns, “in the composition of which, I have used ‘great plainness of speech,’ endeavouring as far as is possible to unite the utile with the dulce, the simple with the solid.”

Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs
Hymns Adapted for the Young